Earlier this week, fans of Ram Charan took to social media to vent their anger against the production house SVC, which is producing “Game Changer.” They trended hashtags against the production house, saying that the company and the producer, Dil Raju, are irresponsible.
The lack of updates about the film is the reason for the frustration. Fans are demanding a definitive declaration regarding the film’s release date. Though Dil Raju had already revealed that the film will arrive in theaters around Christmas 2024, the fans want an official date announcement.
In this context, the production house has decided to unveil a brand new poster for Vinayaka Chaviti (Ganesh festival). The music director, Thaman, also hinted at this on his Twitter account.
Directed by Shankar, “Game Changer” is a political story about the Indian electoral system. Ram Charan plays an IAS officer in the film. Kiara Advani is his lover.