On September 27, NTR and Janhvi Kapoor "Devara” will hit theatres worldwide. As the film gears up for release, director Koratala Siva revealed intriguing...
Faria Abdullah gained popularity for her portrayal of the female lead character in the highly successful film "Jathi Ratnalu." Recently, she has made appearances...
Nani has been tirelessly promoting his upcoming film, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, set for release on August 29. The action drama, directed by Vivek Athreya, stars...
"Gangs of Godavari" directed by Krishna Chaitanya, stars Vishwak Sen, Anjali, and Neha Shetty. Anjali engaged in a conversation with the media today regarding...
Gopichand is currently experiencing a sluggish phase. He is hoping to bounce back with "Bhimaa," a movie helmed by popular Kannada director Harsha. This...
These days, the Bollywood film industry produces propaganda films in the name of patriotism. Varun Tej's "Operation Valentine," which is filmed in both Hindi...