Nani has signed up to do another film. He is now shooting for “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” and has approved two or three more projects, one of which (#Nani33) would see him collaborate with Srikanth Odela, the director of ‘Dasara’.
Sudhakar Cherukuri of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas (SLV Cinemas) will bankroll it again. Nani, Srikanth Odela, and Sudhakar Cherukuri have previously collaborated on ‘Dasara,” a blockbuster.
The team announced the film today with a poster featuring artwork. Nani is seen in the billboard with a beard and twirling moustache, as well as elegant shades and a puffing cigar.
The poster reads, “You don’t need an identity to be a leader”. In fact, Nani’s face and body are designed with the audience in the background, implying that he plays a leader in the film.
The filmmakers have stated that the untitled film will be released in the summer of 2025.