Title for Indraganti – Priyadarshi to be revealed

Indraganti Mohana Krishna and producer Sivalenka Krishna Prasad have been teaming up regularly. Producer Krishna Prasad recently launched his 15th film under his banner, Sridevi Movies, in the direction of Mohana Krishna. The untitled film is nearing completion of production.

Priyadarshi and Roopa Koduvayur are playing the lead roles in this film, with Indraganti Mohan Krishna writing and directing it. Now, the time has come to reveal the tile.

Today, the makers released a poster declaring that the stars are lining up for them to unveil the title very soon. The poster hints about “auspicious times” and astrology. It seems that these elements are part of the film’s script.

Priyadarshi plays an hilarious role in this entertainer.



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