Venkatesh Daggubati, a prominent star of Indian cinema, planned his 75th film to be released prior to the Christmas season. However, due to Prabhas’s film “Salaar” securing the Christmas release date, Venkatesh’s movie “Saindhav” was rescheduled to the Sankranthi festival.
The film has incurred losses due to this decision. “Saindhav” is an action film that is not suitable for this festival period. Typically, movies that offer abundant entertainment and focus on family-oriented stories tend to perform successfully during the festival of Sankranthi.
The action drama film “Saindhav” faced significant competition and failed to achieve substantial box office earnings. Furthermore, the film garnered entirely unfavorable reviews. Therefore, Venkatesh’s film was deemed a failure on its very first day.
Venkatesh expected to make his 75th film a remarkable milestone in his career, but unfortunately, it ended up being a commercial failure.