Director Shankar’s much-hyped “Bharateeyudu 2,” featuring legendary actor Kamal Haasan, released to a tepid response, and the film was a huge flop at the box office. Not only did the film fail commercially, but it also drew huge criticism for Shankar’s old-school ideas.
Now, Lyca Productions has decided to postpone the release of “Bharateeyudu 3” to allow Shankar to rework and improve the film.
Shankar filmed both “Bharateeyudu 2” and “Bharateeyudu 3” simultaneously. His idea was to release “Bharateeyudu 3” for Sankranthi 2025. Had the second part become a success, the craze for the third installment would have been huge. But now, it is a completely different picture.
Kamal Haasan still feels that the third part will be impressive and riveting.