Dhanush’s Tamil films are frequently dubbed in Telugu. Dhanush, with the exception of occasional hits like ‘Raghuvaran BTech,’ does not have the same market penetration as Karthi. Dhanush is now attempting to break into the Telugu market.
Aside from a fat paycheck, one of the reasons he signed “Sir” is to gain access to the Telugu market. The film, directed by Venky Atluri and produced by Naga Vamsi, will be released this Friday. Despite the lack of hype, the trailer and songs have had a positive impact.
‘Sir’ is also being released in Tamil under the title ‘Vaathi’ this weekend. But Dhanush is more interested in the Telugu version’s outcome.
Also Read: My role in ‘Sir’ is substantial: Samyuktha
Dhanush, on the other hand, should have promoted himself aggressively in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.