Actor Ali, who recently assumed the position of Andhra Pradesh electronic media advisor, made some interesting remarks about his friend and rival party leader Pawan Kalyan. Ali told reporters in Tirupathi on Tuesday that he is prepared to run against Pawan Kalyan.
It should be noted that Ali and Pawan Kalyan have been friends for over two decades. Ali has appeared in the majority of Pawan Kalyan’s films. Ali, on the other hand, joined the YSRC party before the 2019 elections and campaigned for it. Thus, he was appointed media advisor.
Pawan Kalyan, the leader of the Jana Sena political party, has vowed to dethrone the current ruling government led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
“Pawan Kalyan is a good friend of mine, but politics and friendship are not the same. If my party orders it, I will go up against Pawan Kalyan. I am willing to run from wherever my chief minister, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, asks,” he added.