Karan Johar and Anil Thadani distributed the Hindi version of “Baahubali” in India, making history. The film’s massive success sparked a trend of Pan-Indian blockbusters. The Hindi versions of the “KGF” series, “Kantara”, “RRR”, “Saaho”, “Salaar 2”, “Karthikeya 2”, and other South Indian films have also made a lot of money.
After a long break, Karan Johar’s Dharma Movies and Anil Thadani’s AA Films reunited to acquire the North India theatrical distribution rights to a South Indian film. The North Indian distribution rights for NTR’s highly anticipated film “Devera” were snapped by those two companies.
The hype around this project grew even more after Karan Johar joined the this team.
“Devara” will be released in two parts, with the first on October 10th. The film, directed by Siva Koratala, has garnered a lot of attention. Janhvi Kapoor makes her Telugu debut with this film. Saif Ali Khan portrays the villain.
Karan Johar plans to aggressively promote the film in the Bollywood market.