Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt attended this year’s Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. She made her Met Gala debut last year, and she is returning for her second appearance.
She wowed everyone by walking the special carpet in a gorgeous floral saree.
Sabyasachi, a famous Indian designer, created her saree in keeping with this year’s Met Gala theme, “The Garden of Time”.
Alia Bhatt said that “nothing embodies tradition and innovation like the saree; in the skilled hands of @sabyasachiofficial, this vision found its fullest expression.”
She also told her Instagram followers that nearly 163 people worked on the saree to create it.
“It has taken a collective effort of 163 dedicated individuals, including master craftspeople, embroiderers, artists, and dyers, investing a total of 1965-man hours to create this ethereal saree,” she wrote.