“Karthikeya 2” won the national award. The film has been announced as the Best Regional Film in Telugu. The 70th National Film Awards honoring the best films and cinematic achievements of the year 2022 were announced today.
“Karthikeya 2,” directed by Chandoo Mondeti and co-produced by Abhishek Agarwal and T. G. Viswa Prasad, was a mythical thriller that focused on protaganists’ quest to find Lord Krishna’s lost anklet. The film served as a sequel to “Karthikeya”.
“Karthikeya 2” was also a huge commercial success in Telugu and Hindi.
“Karthikeya 2” emerged as the winner, despite films like “Balagam,” “Sita Ramam,” and “Major” also being shortlisted for Best Regional Film.