During his election campaign, Pawan Kalyan received criticism from the ruling YSRC party for his multiple marriages. Furthermore, some YSRC leaders have stated that Pawan Kalyan no longer lives with his third wife, Anna Lezhneva.
A YSRC party leader even asked Pawan Kalyan if he would come out with Anna Lezhneva and face the cameras if he truly lives with her.
All of the political mudslinging and rumors have finally come to an end. Today, Pawan Kalyan and his wife Anna Lezhneva put an end to the rumors surrounding their marriage.
They came together to vote in the Andhra Pradesh Elections 2024. On Monday (May 13, 2024), they not only came together to a polling booth in Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, but they also happily posed for media cameras.
Despite the fact that their family is primarily based in Hyderabad, Pawan Kalyan changed his vote to Mangalagiri during the last election. Pawan Kalyan is the president of the Jana Sena party, which is headquartered in Mangalagiri. It appears that his wife does not have the right to vote in Mangalagiri.