‘Revu’ will live up to the expectations set by content!

The film Revu, which stars Vamsi Ram Pendyal, Ajay, Swathi Bheemireddy, and Epuri Hari, is produced by Dr. Murali Ginjupalli and Naveen Parupalli under the names Samhith Entertainment and Parupalli Production. Journalist Prabhu is in charge of production supervision, while prominent cinema journalist Parvataneni Rambaabu serves as executive producer. Harinath Puli directs the film, which will be released on August 23rd. The film’s production crew interacted with the media prior to its release.

Producer Murali Ginjupalli stated that the trailer and three fantastic songs had already been released, with another song scheduled to be released soon. He told audiences that once the film was released, they would be even more excited about it. “It will live up to the expectations set by the trailer and songs,” stated the actor.

Harinath Puli highlighted that the film’s content is just as exciting as what has been shown in the songs and trailers. He encouraged everyone to see the film when it opens on August 23.

Prabhu, the film’s production supervisor, expressed his trust in the project after seeing a five-minute trailer last year. He explained that he and Rambabu were confident of the film’s potential, so they showed it to acquaintances, including NRI producer Murali, who agreed to support its release. He explained that they joined the initiative after the director and team had already invested their own funds. As the film approaches its release date, he expressed hope based on positive reactions to past events, expecting it will be a hit.

Executive Producer Parvataneni Rambaabu also thanked the media professionals in attendance, stating that their collective support was important in getting the film to this point. He offered to meet with media representatives personally after the film’s release on the 23rd.



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