Pawan Kalyan, after becoming the deputy chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, promised his fans to give them the chance to watch his film “OG” very soon. He said they would like it.
The entire production of Sujeeth’s gangster drama remains unfinished. Pawan Kalyan needs a month’s time to wrap up the shooting part. Therefore, Pawan Kalyan has rescheduled the film’s release date to early 2025.
Meanwhile, director Sujeeth is working on a video preview to release on Pawan Kalyan’s birthday (September 2nd). Sujeeth wants to wish Pawan Kalyan a happy birthday by releasing this special video of “OG.” He and music director Thaman are currently working on it.
Produced by DVV Danayya, “OG” is a gangster drama set against the backdrop of Mumbai.
The film has Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead.