Raj Tharun and Rukshaar Dhillon have paired up. In the upcoming film “Naa Saami Ranga,” they portray lovers. The film has perido setting of the1980s. While Nagarjuna Akkineni takes on the lead role and Ashika Ranganath plays Nagarjuna’s romantic partner, the film also showcases more love stories.
Raj Tharun portrays the character of Bhaskar in the film, whereas Rukshaar assumes the role of Kumari. Their encounter takes place at a college, and their romantic relationship is an integral component of the main story.
So far, the promoters have primarily emphasized Nagarjuna’s character. The teaser for Raj Tharun and Rukshaar’s film has now been unveiled.
The film, helmed by Vijay Binni, also stars Allari Naresh in a prominent role. “Naa Saami Ranga,” produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi, is set to be released on January 14, 2024.