Rashmi Gautham, an actress-TV anchor, recently appeared in a song in “Bholaa Shankar” with Megastar Chiranjeevi. But, the film didn’t help her. While she plays glamorous roles, she also emphasizes the importance of observing traditional Hindu rituals.
Rashmi Gautham has been posting messages on social media about Hinduism and her support for ‘Sanathana Dharma’.
People are calling her Sanghi because of her recent pro-Hindu posts. Rashmi, on the other hand, stated on X.com that she doesn’t mind being referred to as Sanghi. “If being a Hindutav and and supporting the true ideology of Hinduism is called being SANGHI then I’m a Sanghi Isn’t it obvious,” she wrote.
Rashmi Gautam also claims to be a Hindu Brahmin.
When asked if she agreed with the Sanathana Dharma preaching that forbids women from working or even cooking during menstruation. She added, “yes during periods women should get complete rest.”
When people point out that Sanathana Dharma forbids her from wearing such revealing clothes that she does, she says it’s a myth. She stated that the Kamasutra is our culture.

“Kamasutra was part of culture. And what skin show are you talking about? Pls go thru how we used to dress before the invasions happened. How or what Hindu girls wore was the least of all concerns. We were never this shallow. Whatever restrictions we face now are manmade and has nothing to do with Hindu religion or sanatan dharma,” she wrote.