Kajal Aggarwal made her comeback recently. She is currently starring in a film titled “Satyabhama”. She plays a cop in this film, a first for her.
The makers of “Satyabhama” today announce the release date confirming it will arrive in theaters on May 17th.
The film is being directed by new director Suman Chikkala. Sashi Kiran Tikka, known for his work for hits like “Major,” has contributed to the screenplay of this movie. Produced by Bobby Tikka and Srinivasa Rao Takkalapalli, the film wrapped up its production.
Kajal Aggarwal plays ACP Satyabhama, who leads a high-stakes investigation to find a missing man. The plot takes place in various towns that are shrouded in darkness, providing a thrilling environment for the audience.
Prakash Raj and Naveen Chandra are among the cast members.