‘Manamey’ locks a release date suddenly

Sharwanand has been working on “Manamey” for a long time. Suddenly, the makers have now announced a release date. The film has joined June slot and is competing with other movies.


“Manamey”, directed by Sriram Adittya and produced by TG Vishwa Prasad, will hit the theaters on June 7th. The release date poster depicts Sharwanand in a sophisticated suit, holding a laptop bag.

The film has Krithi Shetty playing Sharwanand’s lover. Partly set in London, “Manamey” featues Hesham Abdul Wahab’s soundtracks.

It will be first release for Sharwanand in two years.

Manamey, Manamey Release Dte, Sharwanand, Krithi Shetty, Sriram Adittya,



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