Nandamuri Mokshagnya, the son of Nandamuri Balakrishna, will make his debut under Prasanth Varma’s direction. The director became popular after the success of ‘HanuMan.’
The film was announced with a poster. Today is Mokshagnya’s birthday. Hence the announcement.
Sudhakar Cherukuri will bankroll it under his SLV Cinemas, while Balakrishna’s younger daughter, M Tejeswini Nandamuri, will present it.
The film, a part of PVCU, will be based on an ancient legend from our mythology, the same setting as ‘HanuMan’.
Balakrishna and his family have been eagerly awaiting the launch of Mokshagnya in the appropriate subject area. Finally, they were impressed with Prasanth Varma’s ideas. More details about this project will be announced in the coming days.
Mokshagnya who had some issues underwent transformation. He is looking stylish in the poster.