Ram Pothineni and director Puri Jagannadh have collaborated on “Double iSmart,” which has been in the works for more than a year. The film’s shooting was halted three months ago due to financial difficulties. As the Hindi dubbing market for all Telugu films has significantly decreased, the film industry has experienced a general correction in terms of business. Thus, “Double iSmart” encountered some issues in this manner.
Given the circumstances, Ram Pothineni graciously offered to take a partnership in the film’s business rather than accepting a fixed remuneration in order to reduce the burden on production costs. This allowed Puri Jagannadh and Charmee to take a breather.
Nonetheless, a calculated campaign has been launched against Ram Pothineni, saying that halted filming in order to demand remuneration. Why would he demand remuneration when the business partnership agreement was finalized months ago? This is what Ram’s close associates contend.
They allege that all of the reports against Ram Pothineni are an attempt to blame him for the production halt.
As Telugucinema.com recently reported, nearly 80% of the film’s shooting has already been completed. Only three songs and a brief talkie segment need to be completed. Sanjay Dutt, a top Bollywood actor, plays an important role in the movie.
Ram Pothineni has not even signed a new film or moved to another production. That demonstrates his commitment to “Double iSmart”. If he really wanted to stop shooting this film, he could easily start another one and shift his focus there. Many stars have done this before. This clearly demonstrates that Ram Pothineni is being blamed for no fault of his and he is determined to complete the film.
“iSmart Shankar” was the biggest hit in Ram Pothineni and Puri Jagannadh’s collaboration. As a result, they planned to make a sequel to it.