Rave Party: Actress Hema tests positive for drug use


Hema, the Telugu actress known for playing mother roles, has been caught lying yet again. First, she said she did not attend the rave party held at a farm house near Electronics City in Bengaluru. The Karnataka Central Crime Branch (CCB) busted the party and launched an investigation.


Now it has been revealed that everyone at the party, including three actresses, tested positive for drugs.

The police have formally confirmed the details, but have not revealed the actresses’ names.

“We have collected 30 urine samples after we found them present at the party. A total of 86 people who participated in the rave party tested positive. No arrests have been made so far, “ Mohan Kumar BS, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Anekal subdivision, informed ANI news agency.


With this, it is now proven that Hema not only attended the party but also used drugs. Her subsequent videos saying that she did not attend the party and sharing a video of a Biryani recipe are an attempt to divert attention away from the issue.



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