With “Balagam,” a rustic Telangana drama, Dil Raju scored a blockbuster. Now, another film titled ‘Deepavali’ is hoping to repeat the same magic. ‘Deepavali’ was produced by ‘Sravanthi’ Ravikishore, another veteran Telugu producer.
Ravikishore recently held a special screening of ‘Deepavali’ for Dil Raju and a few journalists.
Dil Raju spoke to the media after the screening and said, “Deepavali is a genuine attempt. It’s difficult to create a film that entertains for two hours while revolving around a goat and a small child. It demonstrates Ravikishore garu’s taste as a producer. This film will appeal to those who enjoy watching a variety of films.”
This glowing recommendation from the man behind Balagam suggests that Tollywood may be welcoming another true blue rural drama with ‘Deepavali’ this Diwali season.
RA Venkat directed the film, which Ravikishore produced under the ‘Sravanthi’ banner. On November 11th, it will be released in Telugu and Tamil.