Raj Tarun and his ex-girlfriend have dominated media attention for the past two months due to an infidelity scandal. Raj Tarun’s former live-in partner, Lavanya, filed a complaint against him, accusing him of cheating her after pledging to marry her. She also claimed that he is having an affair with another actress, Malvi Malhotra.
The case had numerous twists and turns. However, both parties have now slowed down on making allegations.
On the other side, Raj Tarun has been releasing films one after the other. He released two films in five weeks: “Tiragabadara Saami” and “Purushottamudu.” He is currently preparing for the release of another picture, “Bhale Unnade,” on September 7.
So, a film journalist wondered if Raj Tarun and Lavanya staged a publicity stunt in the name of a cheating case to draw more attention to the actor’s films.
This comment took Raj Tarun aback, prompting him to respond, “There is no truth in it. I don’t know how to answer such a question. It is not a publicity stunt.”