Mrunal Thakur has put an end to all speculation about her upcoming project starring Prabhas. Rumors have widely circulated that director Hanu Raghavapudi has cast Mrunal Thakur as the female lead in his next historical drama, which stars Prabhas as the hero. The film will have its launch ceremony later this month.
Many people expected Mrunal Thakur to act in Prabhas’ film because Hanu Raghavapudi introduced her to Telugu cinema with “Sita Ramam”. Mrunal Thakur responded to a news report on Instagram today, stating that she is not part of Prabhas’ film. She wrote, “Sorry to be a vibe killer! Buttttt I’m not a part of this film.”
Mrunal Thakur appeared in Prabhas’ recent blockbuster “Kalki 2898 AD” in a cameo role. Currently, she is now working on several Bollywood films.