Nagarjuna is working on a new film almost after a gap of 11 months. The new film, titled “Naa Saami Ranga,” has already completed its promotional shoot, and a video glimpse of Nagarjuna’s character has been released.
Today is the birthday of Nagarjuna. On this occasion, the filmmakers announced the film by releasing this video.
The film, billed as a mass entertainer, marks the directorial debut of choreographer Vijay Binni. According to the creators, the ‘Mass Jatara’ will begin this Sankranthi. What’s interesting is that, despite the fact that regular filming has not yet begun, the producers have announced that the film will be released for Sankranthi 2024.
So, they must complete the entire filming process in just four months.
The film is produced by Srinivasa Chitturi and presented by Pavan Kumar.
The music will be provided by MM Keeravani. The story and dialogues for the film are being written by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada.