Everyone knows that Ram Gopal Varma is a die-hard fan of the late actress Sridevi. He directed her in films such as “Kshana Kshanam” and “Govinda Govinda” and has written about her on several platforms. He created videos about his love for her.
RGV, who is also tech-savvy and a staunch believer in artificial intelligence, today released a photo of an AI-created portrait of Sridevi. He stated that the picture made him cry.
“This INTELLIGENTLY made ARTIFICIAL Sreedevi made me CRY,” he wrote.
However, the responses were also sharply sarcastic. Many people predicted that the image would make everyone cry because it does not resemble Sridevi at all.
She was the female super star who worked in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada language films. She died in 2018 at the age of 54.