The feud between Raj Tarun and Lavanya turned violent. Today, Sekhar Basha, a radio jockey and friend of actor Raj Tarun, harassed Lavanya.
While Sekhar Basha was conducting a YouTube channel interview, Lavanya visited the channel’s office. During their furious argument, Sekhar Basha allegedly beat her up. She appears to have received a stomach strike.
She dialed 100 and reported Basha’s physical attack. Lavanya is currently receiving treatment at a hospital.
Earlier, Lavanya filed a complaint against Raj Tarun, claiming that he cheated her after pledging to marry her and caused her pregnancy, which she aborted.
Raj Tarun rejected all allegations that he threatened and impregnated her. He did, however, disclose that they had lived together as lovers for many years. Sekhar Basha, a popular radio jockey, has been accusing Lavanya of being a drug addict and lying about Raj Tarun. He provided some evidence to support his allegations.